Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Purges, Terror and Show Trials

1.What is the significance of Kirov's murder? (This is what I went over in class.)
athe death of Kirov gave brith the the Great Purges, to where Stalin's distrust in his party lead to the removal of many Communist members.

2. According to Stalin, who had Nikolayev been working for when he assassinated Kirov? Why is this significant?
he had been working for, as Stalin said, traitorous members of the NKVD.

3. What is a Trotskyite?
Those who had continued to believe in Trostky's ideas in government and wanted to continue global revolution.

4. There are three major "show trials." List them and a brief description of their significance.
the first was the public trial of Zinoviev and Kamenev for propaganda reasoning, saying that the two had planned out a terrorist act to kill staling and other soviet government members. in the second, 17 were tried, 13 put to death. these included Buhkarin and other important former opponents of stalin. The third accused the Leader of the NKVD of not paying attention and making it easy forthe murder of Kirov. He pleaded guilty. they had also tried Bukharin and rykov again.

5. During the Great Terror, there were three stages to the purges, staring with members of the Communist party. What were the next two stages and what type of people were purged?

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