Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Hitler Got Away with Murder in NOLK

1. Find the sources on page 178. What reasons can you infer from each source (Sources 10.12 to 10.20) as to why Hitler got away with the Night of the Long Knives?

Source 10.12:Self defense of the government against revolutionary actions.

Source 10.13:Hitler took judicial action in his own hands to personally serve Germany.

Source 10.14: Hitler not only purged great threaths, he uncovered a network of enemies to the state.

Source 10.15: Other, unjustified casualties were performed without the will of Hitler.

Source 10.16: Hitler is supported by the army in removing traitors and murderers.

Source 10.17:Out of fear, the German people did not oppose Hitler.

Source 10.18:The president shows great support to the actions of Hitler.

Source 10.19:The nation is with Hitler in imprisoning enemies of the state.

Source 10.20: in the end, Hitler had done what was needed.

2. Read page 179. Why was the Night of the Long Knives so significant in Hitler's consolidation of power? (Be sure to use specific details in your answer.)

By the purging of political oppenents in both the right and left, Hitler eliminated potential threats to his power. He then gained the support of the army and thus the generals, and further their oath to him. The power of th SS elite body guards was expanded with the purging in the SA, giving Hitler even more strength in terror. The people also, in majority, favoured Hitler as a main of desicive action, to take control of situations without political prejudice, in ranks of his own men.

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