Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lenin and the Bolsheviks Take Power

1. Why was Lenin reluctant to compromise with the Mensheviks or Socialist Revolutionaries?

THe mensheviks and socialist revolutionairies were prone to comprimises and peace agreements. Lenin saw that these only prolonged the position of the monarchy, and allowed them to gain power back again over time. He wanted a completely new government, not an imporvement upon an already corrupt one. He simply wanted to tear down the opposition.

2. List two reasons why the Provisional Government under Kerensky could not govern.

People had lost trust, further, wit not only the attempt at war with Germany, but also the immense failure of doing such. After such, the army itself attempted to coup the government, only to have the general arrested. The provisional government proceeded to arrest and kill protesters, and denied coorperation wit the bolshivicks and other groups, calling them upon high treason.

3. The Bolsheviks did not have a majority at the Congress of Soviets after the October Revolution. How did they manage to assume power?

The other groups assuming power walked out, angry at the decisions of the bolsheviks. They simply left the conference, and by default the bolsheviks won power of the government.

4. What did the Bolsheviks have to give up in order to get out of World War I? What was the name of the Treaty?
The Bolsheviks had to give up half of everything that made Russian strong. Including the support of the people. Loss of industry,further lack of land, brought more poverty upon the people, and the instability divided more peoples.

5. What was the Checka?

A terror movement, that made random arrests on Lenin's opponents, and random citizens accused to be enemies, to bring Russia into submission of the Bolsheviks.

6. What supporters joined the Red Army? White Army?
Soviets supported the Red Army (Bolshiviks, as well as many peasants who had been denied rights by the tsar. The menshiviks and SR supported the white army, as well loyalists, and peasants caught in between.

7. How many Russians died during the Civil War? How many emigrated to other countries?
13 million Russians had died, and 2 million had emigrated to other countries.

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