Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Russia, 1861-1905

1. List the general goals of the:

a. socialists

Create classless scociety by taking land from the nolbles and distrubuting it among the peasants along with the riches.
b. liberal reformers
Create a governemtn much like western powers (United States), to fix the mistakes of the autocracy.

2. List three characteristics of serfs' lives.
With a life span of only 35 years, the serfs lived in poverty, without education or contact with the rest of the world. Outdated farming equipment caused many famines, and the people's were forced to live with the farm animals.

3. List four reforms of Tsar Alexander II.

4. Why did the populists go "to the people" in 1873-1874?

5. List two consequences of the famine of 1891.

6. Why was Karl Marx important to Russian intellectuals?

7. What were the Goals and Methods of the following political groups in early twentieth century Russia? (see page 8 of the reading)

a. Liberal Democrats

b. Socialist Revolutionaries

c. Social Democrats

8. How did Bloody Sunday change people's attitudes toward the Tsar?

9. List four reforms in Tsar Nicholas's October Manifesto.

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